
KeyboardKit lets you style your keyboards to great extent.



While native iOS keyboards have few ways to customize the look and feel, KeyboardKit keyboards can be styled and customized to great extent.

KeyboardKit uses KeyboardStyle types to style its views. For instance, a KeyboardStyle.InputCallout style can be used to style a Callouts.InputCallout view.

KeyboardKit Pro unlocks a powerful theme engine, and many more ways to style a keyboard.

Keyboard Style Namespace

KeyboardKit has a KeyboardStyle namespace that contains style-related types. It will probably be removed in KeyboardKit 9, together with the KeyboardStyleService, and replaced by view modifiers.

Keyboard Style Services

A KeyboardStyleService can provide dynamic styles for different parts of a keyboard. Unlike static styles, a style service can vary styles depending on KeyboardContext, KeyboardAction, etc.

Color & Image Extensions

KeyboardKit defines additional, keyboard-specific Color and Image extensions, etc. to make it easy to create keyboards that look like a native iOS keyboard.

Image Extensions
Color Extensions

KeyboardKit defines contextual colors that take a KeyboardContext, like keyboardBackground(for:), that vary the color result based on the context. Prefer context-based colors whenever possible.

See the documentation for more information about colors and images, including some important information about how some colors are semi-transparent to work around a system bug in iOS.

Type Extensions

Many KeyboardKit types define standard images, texts & colors. For instance you can get a standard image and text for a KeyboardAction with standardButtonImage(for:) and standardButtonText(for:):

let context = KeyboardContext()
let image = KeyboardAction.command.standardButtonImage(for: context) // Command icon
let text = context)     //

View styles

KeyboardKit defines custom styles for its various view. For instance, the Keyboard Keyboard/Button view has a Keyboard/ButtonStyle that can be applied with the SwiftUICore/View/keyboardButtonStyle(_:) view modifier.

Most views have static, standard styles that can be replaced by custom styles to change the global default style for that particular view.

πŸ‘‘ KeyboardKit Pro

KeyboardKit Pro unlocks additional image assets, and a KeyboardTheme engine that makes easier to style keyboards with themes.

Emoji Icons

KeyboardKit Pro unlocks vectorized emoji assets for all EmojiCategorys, for instance keyboardEmoji & emojiCategory(_:):

Emoji Images

Since these images are vectorized, they scale well when they are resized. They however do not support different font weights, so do not render them alongside other SF Symbols.


KeyboardKit Pro unlocks a KeyboardTheme engine that makes easier to style keyboards with themes:

Standard Green Theme
Swifty Blue Theme
Cotton Candy Theme

See themes for more information.


The information on this page is shortened to be easier to overview. For more information see the online documentation.

Core Features

KeyboardKit is packed with features to help you build amazing custom keyboards. You can upgrade to KeyboardKit Pro to unlock pro features.

πŸ‘‘ Pro Features

KeyboardKit Pro unlocks pro features that take your keyboard to the next level. Go pro today!