
KeyboardKit has a customizable keyboard gesture engine.



iOS keyboards use many gestures. For instance, keys can be pressed, released and dragged, space can be long pressed to move the cursor, shift can be double tapped to toggle caps-lock, etc.

These gestures can be complicated to manage, but KeyboardKit provides you with handy views and extensions, and handles most gestures with the KeyboardActionHandler.

Gestures Functionality

KeyboardKit has a Gestures namespace with gesture-related types. For instance, a GestureButton can be used to apply many gestures to a single button.

The Gestures namespace has a KeyboardGesture enum that defines various keyboard gestures, like .press, .release, .doubleTap, .longPress, etc.

These gestures are used quite a bit within the library, to trigger KeyboardActions in various ways.

You can use the keyboardButtonGestures view modifier to add keyboard-specific gestures to a view:

    .keyboardButtonGestures(for: .emoji("πŸ˜€"), ...)

This will make the view behave like a keyboard button and trigger custom gesture-based actions. It is automatically applied by views like SystemKeyboard.


The information on this page has been shortened to be easier to overview. For more information about this feature, code samples, etc. please see the online documentation.

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