
KeyboardKit lets you open urls and apps from the keyboard.



Keyboard extensions may sometimes have to open a URL or trigger a deep link, for instance to the main app or System Settings.

Keyboard extensions can however not access UIApplication.shared, which means that you have to jump through hoops to open URLs.

KeyboardKit therefore provides alternate ways to open URLs without using UIApplication.shared.

How to open URLs from a keyboard extension

To open a URL from a keyboard extension, use the KeyboardInputViewController openUrl(_:), which opens the provided URL without using the shared application.

If you don’t want to depend on the controller (which can easily cause memory leaks), a better way is to trigger a KeyboardAction.url(_:id:) and let the main KeyboardActionHandler handle it.

The KeyboardAction approach removes any need to refer to the controller and lets you customize the URL handling with a custom action handler, if needed.

How to open System Settings

KeyboardKit has a .keyboardSettings URL extension that can be used to open your app’s keyboard settings in System Settings.

If your keyboard randomly navigates to the System Settings root instead of your app, try adding an empty settings bundle to your app.


The information on this page has been shortened to be easier to overview. For more information about this feature, code samples, etc. please see the online documentation.

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