External Keyboards

KeyboardKit Pro can detect if an external keyboard is connected.



It’s important for a keyboard extension to be able to detect if an external keyboard is connected, since this will causes it to stop working as expected

For instance, the text document proxy will not update while you type on an external keyboard, which makes it impossible to provide features like autocomplete.

KeyboardKit Pro therefore unlocks tools to help you detect if an external keyboard is connected.

👑 Pro features

KeyboardKit has an ExternalKeyboardContext that detects whether or not an external keyboard is connected to the device. To use it, just set it up as an observed object.

struct CustomKeyboardView: View {

   var context = ExternalKeyboardContext()

   var body: some View {
       VStack {
           Text("Is an external keyboard connected?")

   var stateDescription: String {

Warning: When using a Apple Smart Keyboard Folio, this context will consider the keyboard to be connected even when it’s just snapped on to the device, even when it’s not actively being used. This should be fixed.


The information on this page has been shortened to be easier to overview. For more information about this feature, code samples, etc. please see the online documentation.

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Pro Features