
KeyboardKit has ways to check the keyboard status, e.g. if a keyboard is enabled in System Settings, if Full Access is enabled, if a keyboard is actively being used, etc.

This information can be used to make the main app help users to set up their keyboard properly.

KeyboardKit Pro unlocks status-related views & utilities that can be used to quickly add this support to your keyboard app.


KeyboardKit has a KeyboardStatus namespace that contains status-related types and views, like the Label that can be used to visualize a certain status value, as well as a complete status Section.


The observable KeyboardStatusContext can be used to observe the state of any keyboard:

struct MyView: View {

    var status = KeyboardStatusContext(bundleId: "com.myapp.keyboard")

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Enabled: \(status.isKeyboardEnabled.description)")
            Text("Active: \(status.isKeyboardActive.description)")
            Text("Full Access: \(status.isFullAccessEnabled.description)")

The context is observable, so any changes immediately causes the view to refresh. It also supports bundle ID wildcards, which let you can inspect multiple keyboards with a single instance:

var status = KeyboardStatusContext(bundleId: "com.myapp.*")

Status Inspector

The KeyboardStatusInspector protocol that powers the context can be implemented by any type, to make it able to inspect the status of any keyboard at any time.


A KeyboardStatus.Label can display if a keyboard has been enabled, if Full Access is enabled, etc.

A keyboard status label

The view can be wrapped in a SwiftUI Link to System Settings. It supports custom texts, icons, etc.

πŸ‘‘ KeyboardKit Pro

KeyboardKit Pro unlocks additional status views & utilities, like a complete KeyboardStatus.Section:

A keyboard status section

The view is used by the KeyboardApp.HomeScreen component, and can be used as a standalone view.


The information on this page is shortened to be easier to overview. For more information see the online documentation, or the KeyboardKit Pro documentation.

Core Features

KeyboardKit is packed with features. You can upgrade to KeyboardKit Pro to unlock pro features.

πŸ‘‘ Pro Features

KeyboardKit Pro unlocks powerful pro features to take your keyboard extension to the next level.